Function TenancyEmails

Obtains the tenancy emails



1stringrequiredn/aIDThe identifier of the record to use
2integeroptional1SOURCEThe source record where 1=Property, 2=Contract, 3=Client, 4=Tenant
3integeroptional1OPTIONThe filter option where 1=Tenants, 2=Lead Tenant, 3=Guarantors, 4=Lead Tenant Guarantors, 5=All, 6=Non Lead Tenants, 7=Non Lead Tenant Guarantors
4stringoptional;DELIMITERThe delimiter to use in between each item found
5datetimeoptionalnullDATEFilters against records where the date lies within the tenancy


The following example shows how to get the guarantor emails


The following example shows how to get all tenant emails from the current Tenancy for a property
