Function TenancyData

Obtain the tenancy data



1stringrequiredn/aIDThe identifier of the record to use
2integeroptional1SOURCEThe source record where 1=Property, 2=Contract, 3=Client, 4=Tenant
3integeroptional1OPTIONThe filter option where 1=Tenants, 2=Lead Tenant, 3=Guarantors, 4=Lead Tenant Guarantors, 5=All, 6=Non Lead Tenants, 7=Non Lead Tenant Guarantors
4integeroptional1DATAThe data to return 1=Email Address, 2=Mobile, 3=Client Code, 4=Client Code (Email Exists), 5=Client Code (Mobile Exists), 6=Names
5stringoptional;DELIMITERThe delimiter to use in between each item found
6datetimeoptionalnullDATEFilters against records where the date lies within the tenancy


The following example shows how to get the guarantor emails
