Function PropertyMediaMaxSize

Generates a html image for property media



1stringrequiredn/aMEDIAThe property media
2stringoptionalWSIZEThe size: "T" = Thumbnail, "W" = Website, "O" = Original Hi-Res
3stringoptionalPTYPEThe type: "P" = Photo, "F" = Floorplan
4integeroptionaln/aMAX_WIDTHThe maximum width in pixel size
5integeroptionaln/aMAX_HEIGHTThe maximum height in pixel size
6integeroptionaln/aINDEXThe nth index to find starting at 1
7stringoptionaln/aSTYLEThe image style
8stringoptionaln/aALTThe image alt
9stringoptionaln/aTITLEThe image title
10stringoptionaln/aIDThe image id
11integeroptional0BORDERThe image border size
12booleanoptionalfalsePRIVATE_URLWhether using a public or private URL


The html image for the property media


Example to output a html image at restricted size
