Function Looping

In order to perform looping in outputs you need to:

  1. Add a looping setup call inside the output header.
  2. Add a looping content block inside the output body.


In the header, you should call one of the looping setup methods. For example, if looping across multiple tenants in a tenancy from a tenancy screen output, you can use the following:


Note: The first parameter is the id used to identify the loop


In the output body, you must surround the content you want to loop with the following tags:

Html Content

To output fields on the entry being looped you use the syntax:


To output the entry being looped that does not have fields i.e. a list of email addresses you use the syntax:



You can use the following variables to check the current count and index within a loop:

v_LoopCountThe current count of entries in the loop.
v_LoopIndexThe current index of the entry in the loop starting at 1.


The following example shows how you can loop across different tenants in a tenancy.




  {{IF(v_LoopIndex > 1)}}
    Name:@entry.CLCODEDESC, Address=@entry.ADDRESS, Created:{{DisplayDate(@entry.SDTIME)}}