Function DisplayManageFee

Outputs the manage fee



1stringrequiredn/aPROPERTY_CODEThe property code
2integeroptional3TYPEThe type of calculation where:
0The full string
1A calculation of the full (or min) terms total value
101st Month Fee Value or %
111st Month Is % if rue
121st Month display string of fee value e.g. 2.50% or £2500
131st Month display string of fee value e.g. 2.50% or £2500 of the monthly rent
141st Month display string of fee value e.g. .50% or £2500 of the first month's rent due / received
15A calculation for the first period fee displayed as £ figure
16A calculation for the first period fee as a number Net
17A calculation for the irst period fee as a number VAT
18A calculation for the first period fee as a number Gross
20Per month Fee Value or %
21Per month Is % if true
22Per month display tring of fee value e.g. 2.50% or £2500
23Per month display string of fee value e.g. 2.50% or £2500 of the monthly rent
24Per month display string of fee value e.g. 2.50% or £2500 of the monthly rent due / received hereafter
25A calculation for the per period fee displayed as £ figure
26A calculation for the per month fee as a number Net
27A calculation for the per month fee as a number VAT
28A calculation for the per month fee as a number Gross
30Renew fee value or %
31Renew is % if true
32Renew display string of fee value e.g. 2.50% or 2500
33Renew display string of fee value e.g. 2.50% or £2500 of the monthly rent
34Renew display string of fee value e.g. 2.50% or £2500 of the monthly rent due / received
35A calculation for he renew fee displayed as £ figure
36A calculation for the renew fee as a number Net
37A calculation for the renew fee as a number VAT
38A calculation for the renew fee as a number Gross
3booleanoptionalfalseADD_VAT_AMOUNTWhether or not to include the VAT amount
4booleanoptionalfalseADD_VAT_TEXTWhether or not to include the VAT text
5booleanoptionalfalseFORCE_ASKINGWhether or not to force using the asking price
6booleanoptionalfalseSHORT_TEXTWhether to use the short version of the text
7integeroptional2SHORT_NUMBERWhether to shorten the number: 0/1 = No short numbers, 2 = Percentage only, 3 = All numbers


The manage fee for display


Example to display the manage fee
